2008년 11월 11일 화요일

autumn leaves

앙코르와트 가는 길, 자전거를 타고 흙길을 달리던 만화가 이우일의 모습이 떠오른다. 어떤 작가는 앙코르와트에는 과거와 미래가 공존하고 있기 때문에 누군가 여행지를 추천해달라고 하면 반드시 그곳을 가보라고 권한다던데, 나도 서른이 되기 전에는 앙코르와트의 땅을 밟고 그곳의 돌을 만지고 바람을 느끼며 해가 지는 풍경을 카메라에 담을 수 있겠지. 시엠립은 왠지 매력이 넘쳐나는 도시일 것만 같다. 가보지 않고 환상과 낭만에 사로잡히게 만드는 도시가 세계에 몇 개나 될까. 서울이 따분하다고, 정확히 말하면 서울에 사는 내 삶이 따분하다고, 느껴질 때면 이방인의 시선으로 서울을 바라보려 노력하기도 한다. 서울은 어떤 매력을 가지고 있을까. 남산을 오르며 빛과 물체가 바닥에 그려내는 그림자를 찍고 맨손으로 은행을 열심히 줍는 아주머니, 아저씨들을 보며 도와 드릴까 유혹에 빠지기도 했다. 벌써 2년 전인데 YBM에서 가르쳤던 매튜라는 학생이 밤에 친구와 길을 걷다가 정말로 은행 줍는 아주머니, 아저씨들을 도와 드렸다는 얘기가 생각난다. 외국인의 눈으로 보지 않아도 도시의 가을 속 은행 줍기는 특이하고 재미있다. 그러면서 왜 우리 나라는 대로변에 은행나무를 저리도 많이 심어놓았을까 궁금해졌다. 윤중로를 상징하는 벚꽃나무, 지천에 널린 플라타너스나무, 그리고 가을이면 빛을 발하는 은행나무. 내가 알기로 은행나무는 암수가 한몸이라 번식력이 강하다고 하는데 그것도 하나의 이유가 되는 걸까? 내가 살고 내가 사랑하는 이 도시의 조경과 수목은 어떻게 지금까지 진행되어 왔는지도 갑자기 궁금해진다.

이상은은 EBS 문화기행을 통해 스페인 여행을 다녀왔고 지식채널 출판사를 통해 '올라 스페인'이라는 여행기를 출간했다. 유명인들의 여행기는 참 부럽다. 아주 특별한 존재들의 약간 특별한 여행기라니. 남의 여행기를 통해 간접 경험하는 걸 좋아하는 편이지만 제대로 된 여행기를 찾기란 쉽지 않다. 여행기라기보다는 한 나라, 한 도시, 한 장소에 대한 심미안과 통찰력이 깃든 글이 필요한 것이다. 지하철에 오르기가 무섭게 졸린 일상인데도 활자를 읽어야 한다는 강박관념 때문에 '그 후'를 들고 다니며 읽는 와중에 소설 속에 숨겨진 나쓰메 소세키의 시대 비판 의식이 잠시 입술을 깨물게 만든다. 오르한 파묵의 '이스탄불'은 아직 끝내지 못했지만 읽다 보면 마치 그가 살던 흑백시대로 돌아간 듯한 기분이 든다. 어린 오르한을 추억하며 쓴 글 같다기보다는 현재 오르한이 성장하며 자신의 이야기를 들려준다는 느낌이 더 강한 생생한 필체이다. 보스포루스를 바라보며 나도 배가 몇 대 지나가는지 세어 보고 싶고, 괜히 폼을 잡고 손에는 4B연필을 쥔 채 몽마르트의 화가처럼 스케치도 해 보고 싶다. 이건 또 웬 상징이람. 몽마르트의 화가라니.

아직까지는 마음껏 여행하는 자가 부럽지는 않다. 왜냐, 나도 할 수 있을 거란 희망이 있기 때문. 소소한 일상 속에서 기적적으로 나를 돕는 방향으로 일이 진행되어 가는 와중에 세상에 신이 진정 존재하는 것일까 진지하게 자문해보았다. 그와 동시에 신이 날 위해 준비한 일들을 하나하나 감사히 꺼내주는 것만 같아 혼자 착각 속에 빠져 살고 있다. 난 엄마에게도 "엄만 제일 가고 싶은 나라가 어디야?"라고 물을 만큼 이 질문을 좋아하는데 누군가 만약 나에게 저 질문을 하면 쉽게 대답하지 못할 것 같다. 가고 싶은 곳은 상당히 많지만 결국 내가 갈 곳은 정해져 있을 것만 같고, 다만 신께서 조금만 더 너그러우시다면, 내가 갈 곳에 작고 따뜻한 보금자리 하나 미리 점지해주셨으면 좋겠다.

"난 누군가(somebody)가 아니라 아무나(anybody) 사랑하는 경향이 있어"라고 수아에게 말했지만

혼자 버스를 타고 돌아오는 길, 그리고 그 후 며칠 내내

결국 난 '누군가(somebody)'를 좋아할 수밖에 없는데 관대한 척하는 게 아닐까 싶었다.

시시껍적대면서 "난 어디든(anywhere) 갈 수 있어"라고 대범하게 말하지만

이것 또한 "난 어딘가(somewhere) 가야만 해."로 바꿔 말해야 하는 게 아닌가 싶다.

2008년 11월 9일 일요일

a year after all

i used to say i would be willing to do anything only if i ended up my thesis, but it turned out to be unlikeliness of life.
Working on thesis was much fun and i learnt a lot for myself and from many professores, if i could say so, and i've come to want to pass my limits again doing much better next time. i always adore people present an article in journals and imagine if i can write one as they do. one way or another i possibly do it soon but still need to build up self-confidence.

Since the thesis's been over, actually quite long before reaching the goal line, i've been hectic as a bee and stressed out enough teaching and preparing lots of things that never decreased but i was committed to do. one of my faith is 'don't lose the original purpose' and, for that reason, i sometimes think that labour for the living is worth or not. maybe it's because i haven't yet gone through and one more reason is the book i'm reading, written by natsume soseki.
what i think worthwhile is fruitful labour. if i worked in vain after all, i'd be very much discouraged than anyone around me could imagine. i just try to swallow it inside but what getting worse is as i don't express it, the more i'd be in blue. that's why i've been down lately and couldn't cheer me up even i'm away from teaching.
i feel like standing in a bypath being not able to make up my mind which why to go. i still stick with my aim but it hasn't been higher than it should be and i expected. it let me down again. we got to lose one if we want to get one. i surely know i got to cost something for another opportunity. however, i'm even confused what the two opportunities are. it's perhaps i've lost self-confidence or blocked my way.
i should get out of this depression anyhow after my trip to "lovely spot" to keep me warm and very relaxed. i'm already preoccupied about next semester though.

2007년 11월 14일 수요일


i'm not particularly good at drawing but i do like doodling.
if i've got some blank sheets, i just can leave it neatly.
all the time i scribble something on the parper
sometimes it can be a descriptive composition
or reflects my mind so that someone even can read what's inside me.
anyway i decided drwaing or doodling for fun and for myself.
it's another way to record my days and observe myself.
it can be delayed
but there's no problem
cuz i do for my own good.

2007년 10월 1일 월요일

3days sub-teacher

sometimes it's easier to talk to the strangers.
i would be able to smile more being kind.

i've been a sub-teacher for 3days at YBM. nothing's been difficult because i used to work there and the class i was in charge was so nice. there were 6 students, Erin/Karl/Pascal/Jessica/Trent/James. most were eager to learn korean and they helped each other get understood better which was very motivating.

last thursday, during break time they asked me to go down to grap coffee. i wasn't that hungry so said no for donuts. Trent asked me two times and said that he always had to ask korean people to get them something. i didn't mean that but was being a typical korean like those who say "oh no, it's ok! i'm not hungry! i don't need coffee!" something. but i had coffee and it was, automatically, on him, haha.

i taught them only for 3days. today after class they were going to have lunch together and i had nothing to do, so joined them. i met Phavel(not sure if it's correct spelling...never wrote his name.) by chance and took him together for lunch. the intersting thing is most foreigners easily get along and become friends very quickly. we have honorific terms in our language and are very conscious about age or position things, so it's quite hard to become a 'friend' when we first meet. it wouldn't be only in western culture. i remember that i was surprised by philipinos huge hospitality and friendliness when they encounter a total stranger.

they mostly spoke in english and tried in korean some part of their conversation but it wasn't that easy. I linstened to them and talked to them in korean then they try speaking korean once again. we may meet some time if they go on studying there. i was only sub for 3days and we hardly know each other, but it was very comfortable and i was able to adjust myself very well. i'm writing this kind of for thanking them for enjoying my class...i feel so.

2007년 9월 30일 일요일

since long

almost five months since I haven't kept my diary here.
haven't been off for a trip to the Philippines,
but it's not a good excuse to explain my lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzziness.
it's hectic how everybody gets by every single day.
probably i'm rather idle (doing some things though)
and being an extra in my life these days.
busy moments and got to keep them recorded.
for my own good.

autumn's on the way.

2007년 5월 7일 월요일

"quotation mark"

around the end of the day, i try to think back on the day that has become 'past' just a minute ago. i admire those who can put their utterances into "quotation marks" since i can hardly think of a word which i uttered in order to communicate with others whole day.

it's strange. really. i taught 4 hours trying to be a loyal(don't know, if it's appropriate. haha) teacher and to talk less than students, but listening more. there must have been plenty of interactions and breakdowns. however, when it comes to the "(DOUBLE) quotation marks", i can't pick up any of it.
maybe i'm just trying to recall what i've done everyday and want to record what i say, share and communicate with others. or just want to catch some of my uttered inner myself. yeah, i can say it'd be that. so many '(SINGLE) quotation marks' inside me. i'm not even able to take them back though, can grasp what my feelings were on my way home and when i walked down to the subway station. nobody knows but my (little) quotation marks know.

everybody wants to show how they feel and,
perhaps, they're screaming silently wanting people to discover the hidden meanings beyond Double quotation marks.

wierd thinker, aren't i?

time to go to bed,

"night night"

2007년 5월 5일 토요일

itching back

my back itched
i wished someone would scratch my back
all of a sudden
i wished i was married.

it's funny though it made me be engrossed in the thoughts about marriage.
i don't see that through rose-coloured spectacles.
marriage is the reality and nobody can keep out of it.
but, so far, it's probably because i'm not married,
i think marriage should be filled with some kind of fantasy and puerility.

i can remember how i was unrelistic and stucked into the illusion of 'happily ever after' when i used to go out with my ex. every tiny imagination such as what kind of house we'll live, how many kids we'll have, where we'll travel together, what we'll do at on weekend and so on and on and on...i've got so many doodlings and life plans about such a wild dream. it's been all over now but i'm still happy that i used to care (maybe TOO MUCH) about 'WE' things.
every single thing was represented by WE, that lovely plural thing.
even though some part of the last relationship's regretful, i can smile to think of myself who used to play a role of 'Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde'. hahaha. i mean multiple personality, not like an illness, but someone who changes herself while in love. i can hardly say that i'm able to be like that someday, somehow. (wish that day'd come soon, though. haha)

fantasy's made by those who fall for each other.
it's not a matter of how deep their love is, how tough the real life is, how 'our own' love is precious than others'. perhaps, marriage's very simple thing. therefore, shouldn't be anxious too much, nor regard as hard/difficult/complex thing. it'd be easy. i want someone who is closest to me and able to scratch my back when i'm itch.