2007년 11월 14일 수요일


i'm not particularly good at drawing but i do like doodling.
if i've got some blank sheets, i just can leave it neatly.
all the time i scribble something on the parper
sometimes it can be a descriptive composition
or reflects my mind so that someone even can read what's inside me.
anyway i decided drwaing or doodling for fun and for myself.
it's another way to record my days and observe myself.
it can be delayed
but there's no problem
cuz i do for my own good.

댓글 2개:

kanadians in korea :

miya! i miss you! i'm so glad i met you. i have a new website: www.emilywierenga.com. and a new blog: www.wordpress.com/canvaschild. i love your drawings. emily.

Salvage project :

hi miya!

thanks for your comments!!! did you stayed in the Philippines for quite sometime? because you know some tagalog words and saw one of your favorite bands is bamboo! cool!
