I considered living on my own when i was about to graduate the university. There weren't bad reasons at all auch as domestic probles, long distance commute or urgent study needs. I just wanted to be independent from my parents, and also felt that I ought to.
However, I wasn't ready for the huge expenses that i would have to pay, if i owned my place. Since I was still a student, i was almost penniless and used to get pocketmoney from my dad regularly.Besides, although i could support myself financially, my parents'd never let me live by myself.
Once, one of my students, from the States, asked me if i live with my famils and i said yes. He told me that i'm the lucky one, for he had very hard times to afford his housing fee and student loans since he was "18" years old. Koreans also do part-time jobs to earn a little money and some of us work hard for a living while in school. It sounded pretty different though, because most western people were, who i talked to and heard from, nearly forced to be responsible and independent for their life around at the age of "18".
18. We're still in the highschool or preparing for the entrance exam to the university. That means we still need our parents strongly with us and behind us, as if they're a solid raker that never collapse.
It's a matter of different point of view and money really matters anyhow.
And now, I'm re-considering having my own place. I can afford only my expenses and have learned how to deal with lots of things without my parents. I'm already 26 and it's time to learn more things outside such a safe system of my family and be independent indeed. I sometimes find myselt relying on my mom due to her sacrifice and house works that belongs her, after all i'm possibly being lazy. When it comes to my father, the situation's very akin to the above, like i depend on him because he'll give me some extra allowance any time i ask him. It's so natural and obvious that parents generally do that for their children, but i feel like i should get away from that soon. I calculate how much i would need and spend on food, bills, housing and other stuffs. It's gonna be super super, i can tell.
However, apart from tha money problems, lots of things'll be advanturous and exciting- I'll probably be more self-determined, well-organised, industrious and wiser, hopefully. I used to stay away from my parents for 1 year in Manila and it was a very good chance for me to figure out how much i could cope with myself. I could plan time appropriately and feel freedom which sometimes led a fast life.
I reckon it's enough staying in a shell of total forgiveness and safe routines which protect me from anything, anyone, anytime. I'm so grateful i got such good mom, dad and bro. I don't mean they're unnecessary from now on or disrurbing, but i think i'd better manage my own life before i get married.
It would be hard to pursuade my parents, especially my father. I'll just see when it'll work and i'm really ready for building a nest.
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