2007년 5월 7일 월요일

"quotation mark"

around the end of the day, i try to think back on the day that has become 'past' just a minute ago. i admire those who can put their utterances into "quotation marks" since i can hardly think of a word which i uttered in order to communicate with others whole day.

it's strange. really. i taught 4 hours trying to be a loyal(don't know, if it's appropriate. haha) teacher and to talk less than students, but listening more. there must have been plenty of interactions and breakdowns. however, when it comes to the "(DOUBLE) quotation marks", i can't pick up any of it.
maybe i'm just trying to recall what i've done everyday and want to record what i say, share and communicate with others. or just want to catch some of my uttered inner myself. yeah, i can say it'd be that. so many '(SINGLE) quotation marks' inside me. i'm not even able to take them back though, can grasp what my feelings were on my way home and when i walked down to the subway station. nobody knows but my (little) quotation marks know.

everybody wants to show how they feel and,
perhaps, they're screaming silently wanting people to discover the hidden meanings beyond Double quotation marks.

wierd thinker, aren't i?

time to go to bed,

"night night"

댓글 5개:

Billy :

I almost never use quotation marks. I write like I talk. You can probably tell when you read my blog.

kanadians in korea :

i love your thoughts... they challenge me. keep posting girl! em.

kanadians in korea :

beautiful miya...i am no longer in korea :( i will miss you so much. i wanted to let you know, i have a new blog: http://canvaschild.wordpress.com. please visit me there. love u, emily.

kanadians in korea :
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Lucas Olmedo :

beatiful blog Miya! I From Argentina and found your site! greeting